&hint1=I am a collaborative ground painting produced in 1989& &hint2=I contain many elements of many stories from the Dreaming& &hint3=I am made of wamulu, a mixture of chopped plants and bird feathers& &hint4=I have a sacred, secret Aboriginal meaning& &choices=Yoruba woman with ere ibeji ("twin's figures");Tukwunangwu Cumulus Cloud Katsina;Ngalyod, The Rainbow Serpent;Ere ibeji ("twin's figures");Hosteen Klah Whirling Log Ceremony;Yarla& &answer=Yarla& &search=Yarla& &title=Yarla& &artist=Paddy Jupurrurla Nelson, Paddy Japaljarra Sims, Paddy Cookie Japaljarri Stewart, Neville Japangardi Poulson, Francis Jupurrurla Kelly, Frank Bronson Japsamarra Nelson& &medium=Earth pigments, mixed media& &date=1989& &location=Le Halle de la Villette, Paris& &dimensions=13' x 33'&